Chemical Storage Underground Storage Tank (General Specification)

The contractor shall provide materials, labor, and expertise to install the underground tank and accessories as represented on the plans and drawings. The tank shall be a single wall (SW) or double wall (DW) fiberglass storage tank as shown on plans and in specifications. The tank shall be installed using the manufacturers engineered anti-flotation system. […]

Chemical Storage Warranty (1yr)

Fiberglass Tank Solutions, LLC (FTS) warrants to (Owner) that our underground storage tank, if installed, used and maintained in the United States in accordance with FTS published specifications, installation instructions and operating guidelines, all applicable laws and requirements, and the limited UST applications defined herein, will be free from defects in materials against corrosion for […]

Conway: Project Profile

This 1 0′ Dia. x 21 ‘-0″ st. wall fiberglass tank was used to replace an existing aluminum sulfate tank for the city of Conway, AR. It included a caged ladder, safety hand rails, and a clear calibrated site tube. This calibrated site tube allowed for an easy visible read of current liquid levels in […]

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