SS Braided Flex Connector Drawing and Installation
Industrial Wastewater Warranty (1yr)
Fiberglass Tank Solutions, LLC (FTS) warrants to (Owner) that our underground storage tank, if installed, used andmaintained in the United States in accordance with FTS published specifications, installation instructions andoperating guidelines, all applicable laws and requirements, and the limited UST applications defined herein, will befree from defects in materials against corrosion for a period of […]
Industrial Wastewater Typical Application
Industrial Wastewater Underground Storage Tank (General Specification)
Short Form Specification The contractor shall provide materials, labor, and expertise to install the underground tank and accessories as represented on the plans and drawings. The tank shall be a single wall (SW) or double wall (DW) fiberglass storage tank as shown on plans and in specifications. The tank shall be installed using the manufacturers […]
Hanover: Project Profile
This wetwell serves a food manufacturing facilities wash-down wastewater stream. The inlet wastestream has a pH range between 3-11 and temp at 160 F. Turnkey installation of all pumps pipe, and covers made this a quick and effortless install for this prominent Design / Build client.