What Is On-Site Wastewater?
On-site wastewater systems, (also called Decentrailized Wastewater systems) convey, treat, dispose, or reuse wastewater from small and low-density communities, buildings, and dwellings in remote or rural areas. The concept is simple, provide the treatment at the point of use, with lower overall cost, as compared to conveying to municipal methods where wastewater is transferred through miles of underground piping to one central location.
Up to 60,000 gallons of On-site Wastewater Capability
Our Underground Storage Tanks range from 4’ – 12’ in diameter, and from 500 to 60,000 gallons of individual tank storage capacity. Fiberglass Tank Solutions also manufactures three different anchoring systems and we can provide buoyancy calculations or finite element analysis structural calculations with individual State P.E. stamps for over 40 States.
Fiberglass Tank Solutions manufactures a full range of underground tanks for the on-site wastewater market. Our staff has an experienced background in these on-site tank applications. Septic, re-circulation, dosing, equalization, and holding tanks are just a few of the many types of underground tanks we build to serve this application. We have the knowledge and expertise to help you incorporate these tanks and features into a key component of a successful on-site wastewater system installation.