Fire Suppression AFFF: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida – Project Profile

Fiberglass AFFF Storage TAnk

These two 10′ diameter, 40,000 Gallon AFFF Capture tanks are being installed in an Airport hanger in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. These corrosion-resistant fiberglass storage tanks will capture (AFFF) Aqueous Form Filming Foam that extinguishes jet fuel fires to protect property and save lives. 

Fire Suppression: Colorado – Project Profile

Fiberglass Tank and Skyline

These two 10′ Diam. by 25,000 Gallon Fire Suppression tanks are custom-manufactured for an H-20 traffic load rated area, with a Detached pump vault to service a new builds Fire Protection System. 

Wastewater Holding Tank: Toolik Alaskan Research Center

Fiberglass Tank Arrives at rural location

Alaskan Research Center – Insulated Wastewater Storage Tank This deep-buried insulated tank was completely custom-engineered and manufactured in our Midwest facility to create a solution for these harsh environmental factors. Lightweight Fiberglass tanks combined with our prepackaged logistics were the perfect option to get this custom system almost 4,000 miles away and across the ocean […]

Manifolded Fire Suppression Tanks: Colorado – Project Profile

Excavator Walking Tank into Hole

Underground Fiberglass Fire Suppression Storage Tanks These two – Fiberglass Tank Solutions – fire water tanks service an 84 Lumber yard in Greeley, CO. Manifolded together, they provide increased storage capacity and higher flow rates, tying into an existing system, and meeting the expanded fire suppression needs of the site. Matching NPFA 22 Standards. Their […]

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