The contractor shall provide materials, labor, and expertise to install the underground tank and accessories as represented on the plans and drawings. The tank shall be a single wall (SW) or double wall (DW) fiberglass storage tank as shown on plans and in specifications. The tank shall be installed using the manufacturers engineered anti-flotation system. The tank and anti-flotation system shall be installed in accordance with the engineered plans, the manufacturers’ installation guide, details, and drawings.
Submittal documents shall include scaled drawings in both plan, profile, and 3-D to properly illustrate the final product. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of the underground tank structure & design features, along with buoyancy calculations for the given site conditions shall be provided. The FEA and buoyancy calculations shall be provided with a Professional Engineer’s stamp for the State in which the tank is installed.
The contractor shall exhibit an expertise with a reference of three or more similar fiberglass underground tank installations. For contractors with less than three successful documented installations, the tank manufacturer shall provide “Training” to the contractor at additional fees to insure a successful tank installation. Key tank installation steps and backfill materials, as noted in the Manufacturers Installation Guide Checklist, shall be confirmed, and documented by the contractor. Final documents shall be provided with As-Built documentation as part of project closeout procedures.
FRP Underground Tanks shall be supplied by Fiberglass Tank Solutions, LLC or approved equals.