Backfilling & Ballasting Instructions
The Attached PDF will explain how to properly backfill and bed our tanks at your job site. The purpose of this document is to provide supplemental instructions to be used in conjunction with the Fiberglass Tank Solutions (FTS) Installation Guide and Operating Guidelines (IMOG). The installing contractor is still required to thoroughly read and follow […]
UST Backfill Method
FRP Field Installed Inlet Hub
Overview. Site safety is paramount for a successful installation of an FRP hub to an existing wet well. Please observe all applicable state and local regulations concerning shoring of excavations, proper ingress and egress of open cut conditions, and all personnel PPE while performing this task. It is also critical to be aware of the […]
Underground Fiberglass Storage Tank Installation Manual & Operating Guidelines (IMOG)
Please click “Download PDF” for the full IMOG Document, which will assist you in all stages involved with your tank project.Schedule your Pre-Construction Meeting to review these details.Give us a Call if you have any questions.
Fiberglass Riser Pipe Installation Instructions
Alignment Ring Instructions
Before You BeginYou will need the following:• tape measure• tape (painter’s tape is recommended)• saw/cutting tool (angle grinder with a cut off wheel is recommended)• clamps• any safety gear you think is necessary (safety glasses, gloves, hard hat, etc…) Fiberglass Tank Solutions (FTS) will provide:• two-part epoxy• tongue depressor• 4” tall FRP alignment ring Step […]